No Where to Run and No Place to Hide

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The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins
Book & Story by Ellen J. Barrier

Jim Elliott was a man without a conscious; one who lived for excitement by inflicting pain upon others and had no remorse.

When Priscilla met Jim Elliott, she was impressed with his extraordinarily good looks, wealth and power. She could have never known he was not an ordinary man; until the day when evil inside his dark soul revealed itself. When she looked into his eyes, she saw a cold and deadly look of a mad man. It was as if she was looking into the eyes of Satan. Fear possessed her entire body, mind and soul, with coldness and hate for the man she once loved.

This novel is sold in Barrier's Books & Associates Book Store.

Where Did I Go Wrong?

Movie Website Gallery:
The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins
Book & Story by Ellen J. Barrier

“How can a dead person reach beyond the grave and continue to destroy and dominate someone else’s life?” Priscilla asked.

Priscilla was a beautiful young woman who graduated from law school, with a promising future in the field of law. However, on the day she became Mrs. Jim Elliott, every one of her dreams were destroyed. Jim Elliott was not an ordinary man. He was possessed with demons, a man without a conscious. But, Priscilla didn't realize this horrible truth about her husband, until it was too late. Then she asked, Where Did I Go Wrong?

This novel is sold in Barrier's Books  & Associates Book Store.

Life With Father

                                                                      Domestic Violence Is a Serious World Problem

“Life with my father was a time of which I have no good memories.
The thing that often comes to my mind when I think of my father is the
day he showed me a gun and said, “ I am going to kill your mother with

How to Trust God When all Other Resources Have Failed
Life With Father (chapter 9)
This is a life story from someone who experienced domestic violence.

Author: Ellen J. Barrier