The Smart Brain

This is the brain working to process information it has received.
This individual has the ability to make a rational judgment.  He is one who will process all of the information, before making a judgment.This is the smart brain.

On the other hand we have the lazy brain. That is one who will not process all of the information, because it ignored much of the information that was presented to it. Yet, the individual will make a judgment without having processed all of the information. Such judgment is one that does not bring about a fair judgment.

In any given situation where judgment is needed, the smart brain is necessary to process all of the information before making a judgment. We arrive at wise decisions when we make rational judgments.
__ Ellen J. Barrier

No Where to Run and No Place to Hide

Movie Website Gallery:
The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins
Book & Story by Ellen J. Barrier

Jim Elliott was a man without a conscious; one who lived for excitement by inflicting pain upon others and had no remorse.

When Priscilla met Jim Elliott, she was impressed with his extraordinarily good looks, wealth and power. She could have never known he was not an ordinary man; until the day when evil inside his dark soul revealed itself. When she looked into his eyes, she saw a cold and deadly look of a mad man. It was as if she was looking into the eyes of Satan. Fear possessed her entire body, mind and soul, with coldness and hate for the man she once loved.

This novel is sold in Barrier's Books & Associates Book Store.

Where Did I Go Wrong?

Movie Website Gallery:
The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins
Book & Story by Ellen J. Barrier

“How can a dead person reach beyond the grave and continue to destroy and dominate someone else’s life?” Priscilla asked.

Priscilla was a beautiful young woman who graduated from law school, with a promising future in the field of law. However, on the day she became Mrs. Jim Elliott, every one of her dreams were destroyed. Jim Elliott was not an ordinary man. He was possessed with demons, a man without a conscious. But, Priscilla didn't realize this horrible truth about her husband, until it was too late. Then she asked, Where Did I Go Wrong?

This novel is sold in Barrier's Books  & Associates Book Store.

Life With Father

                                                                      Domestic Violence Is a Serious World Problem

“Life with my father was a time of which I have no good memories.
The thing that often comes to my mind when I think of my father is the
day he showed me a gun and said, “ I am going to kill your mother with

How to Trust God When all Other Resources Have Failed
Life With Father (chapter 9)
This is a life story from someone who experienced domestic violence.

Author: Ellen J. Barrier

The Price We Must Pay For Our Father's Sins

Selected for Best Screenplay 2013
At The Beverly Hills Film Festival  
Views 11,501 Rating: 5 stars                                

 Death is The Inevitable Price We Must Pay,” said Antonio Elliott

As Tony thought of his father’s evilness, he began to cry uncontrollably. When he had no more tears left to shed for the past, but only an ache in the pit of his stomach, he knew he must leave the big elm tree behind, and face the things that lay ahead.

Standing under the big elm tree overlooking the lake, Tony watched the beauty of God’s creation. The trees were filled with birds. The colors of the leaves on the many trees surrounding the lake were in beautiful colors of yellow, red and brown.  As he stood there feeling alive, because of the existence of life around him, he became more aware of God’s creation of the essence of life, and appreciative of the life that was within him, regardless of how much time he had left.

The Price We Must Pay For Our Father's Sins
ISBN: 978-0-9794043-7-5       Author: Ellen J. Barrier

Barrier's Books & Associates online Store

How to Trust God When all Other Resources Have Failed

From: How to Trust God When all Other Resources Have Failed
The Road to Success and Prosperity (chapter 6)
I had to trust God to help me to start over, based on his promises
I read in the bible.  After having lost all of my finances, home, vehicles
and other things I had accomplished, due to evil acts of revenge from
an individual along with some others; I was confronted with some very
tough challenges.

How to Deal with Stress (Chapter 14)
During my encounters with those who caused great losses for me;
both my parents passed away within a short period of time. This was
added stress.
Due to stress, I wasn’t able to sleep at night.
I suffered from severe sleeping disorders.
I was afraid to fall asleep for fear I wouldn’t wakeup.

The Existence of Demonic Spirits Today (Chapter 12)
My days were filled with prayers, and I gained spiritual strength.
I learned to trust God. My nights were filled with terror during my sleep.
Demons are real:
I was vulnerable to demonic attacks in my sleep.
During my sleep, a heavy individual would sit on my chest, and cause me to
experience severe breathing difficulties.
There appeared a dark hole with lots of debris blowing out of it, in front of me.
This voice would say to me, “Die!”  “Die!”  “Die!” and this individual would
try to pull me into that hole. I couldn’t move. And I would try to make a
sound to call for help. The only sound I could make was a faint moan.

God’s Purpose for My Life
I cried to God with desperation for his help.
I said, Lord, I am not going to ask you why all of these thing are
happening to me, I just want you to tell me that everything is going
to be alright. I was tired from the struggles, and not being able to sleep.
And he answered me supernaturally. He comforted me and gave me peace.
He let me know how much he loves me. And that he did not get any
pleasure from my suffering.

God restores things he allows to be taken with added blessings.
He allows attacks upon us for a purpose to strengthen us.
It is only with God’s permission that demons are allowed to harm us.
They are forbidden to take our lives.

__ Ellen J. Barrier

ISBN: 978-0-9794043-0-6      Author: Ellen J. Barrier

Barrier's Books & Associates Store

The Sacrifice for Love

“How can this be wrong, when it feels so right?”
was Priscilla’s thought, as she sacrificed
her body to the man she loved.

From: The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins
Author: Ellen J. Barrier

For love some people will sacrifice their body and soul.
There is a price to pay when a person sacrifice their
whole being to someone else, for love.

When the whole being is sacrificed for love to the person
who don’t return that love, but abuses the body and soul that
was sacrificed for him or her;

it leaves the one who  made themselves a sacrificial offering for
that person’s love; broken in body, mind, and spirit.

If we knowingly commit a wrongful act, and justify our behavior by convincing ourselves that we are right; we have made a wrong decision. Yet, our emotions gives us the feeling of being right.

__ Ellen J. Barrier

Precious memories

Spending time with family and friends should never be taken for granted.
These are the things we hold in our memory, when nothing else matters.

__ Ellen J. Barrier

Barrier's Book & Associates

Falling in Love with the Man who has it All

To fall in love with the man who has the looks, money, power and international popularity who use these things for evil, is the worst decision any female could ever make. In the end, she will pay the ultimate price.

The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins (ebook) 
Author: Ellen J. Barrier

 Nowhere to Run and No Place to Hide
"Where did I Go Wrong?"                                                              

                          Read this story here in ebook 
View the book here and order: 

I Want to Be the One You Can't Live Without

The person who says "I want to be the one you can’t live without,"
should be able to back those words with action. Too many people accept those words alone.
This is why many relationships suffers and ends.  Trust need to be established first. It is the foundation a successful relationship is built upon. The person that wants to be the one you can’t live without; will be in the process of proving that to you long before he or she says those words to you.
“Love shown for those we care about, means more than words can say.”

__ Ellen J. Barrier 
Author/Spiritual Counselor


The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins

Description: Hardcover, consisting of 460 pages and a novel in ebook file
Deals with Real Life Social Issues: Domestic-Violence and Slave -Trafficking &
Other acts of violence
Violent acts committed against women and Girls are international serious problems.

__Author:  Ellen J. Barrier

Domestic-Violence Victims

Females are being battered and called names by the males in their lives. Teenage girls who are in such relationships are experiencing the same kind of treatment as battered women. Date rape is reported among these teens as well.

Slave -Trafficking

This is a serious international problem.  Adults and children are either bought or sold into servitude and prostitution around the world. Reports of violence against these victims are increasing rapidly. They are being held for ransom, beaten and tortured. Many of these victims are said to have been abducted by gangsters who were hired by smugglers.

Neither a divorce nor a restraining order has protected some females from being killed or seriously harmed, by the males who battered them.

The purpose of writing The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins is to educate and bring awareness to these social issues.
__ Ellen J. Barrier
Author/Spiritual Counselor/
Medical Professional

Official Selection for Best Screenplay 2013
At The Beverly Hills Film Festival:

Film Type:/Feature /Theatrical /TV/ Lifetime

True Love Never says Good-Bye

This is my vow I am making to you, it will be forever_
I will never say good-bye to you, and this is why:
My love for you is true. I can never say good-bye to someone as special as you.
True Love never says good-bye_
I will never close the door to this special love I have for you, and this is why:
Even though life may take me far away from you; that will not be my choice__
I will feel remorse for having to depart:
But this is my promise and vow, I am making to you from my heart;
Regardless of time, space, and place, my love will always be true to you_
I can never say good-bye to you.
True Love never says good-bye, and this is why: True Love last forever.

__ Ellen J. Barrier
Author/ Musician/Songwriter/

There is no Fear in True Love

I will address "Love and Fear" from a relationship point of view.  If you are in a relationship and you fear the person who said they love you, but they are abusive or disrespectful, that is not love.

Love is an Expressed Emotion

Love comforts, it is gentle, it is warm and protective. You can feel it within your entire being. If the person who you are in a relationship with never said to you "I love you" but you feel all of those things I said love is: Would you question their love for you?

 Therefore, True Love never has a need to be doubted. True Love is a beautiful expressed emotion that is experienced between two people.

__Ellen J. Barrier

Expressing Doubt in a Relationship

It is not a good idea to ask the person you are involved in a relationship with: 
Do you love me?
If they say, yes to your question, you will not know if they are actually telling you the truth. 
In a sense, you are putting that individual in an uncomfortable position, by forcing an answer you want to hear, rather than the answer they are ready to give you.
Words alone, means nothing.
Love is expressed.

__Ellen J. Barrier
Author/Creative Writer

The Power of Love

Love is an exciting spiritual and uniting force that binds and connects two hearts and souls together as one, in a way that only the two people know they were meant to be together. Romantic novels, movies, and songs detail the effects of love and stirs emotions that leaves the listeners and viewing audiences wanting more! Readers of romance novels keep the writers busy. 

 Love looks beyond what the human eyes see, and far into the souls where it find comfort, joy, happiness and peace, that words can't explain and neither can the mind comprehend in two people. There is nothing that can break that bond. It can cause individuals to leave their families miles away; crossing cities, states, and countries to be together.

___ Ellen J. Barrier
Author/Creative Writer/Musician/Songwriter

"The Power of Love"
written by Ellen J. Barrier

Death is The Inevitable Price

Movie Website Gallery:
The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins
Book & Story by Ellen J. Barrier

"Death is the inevitable price we must pay.
Freedom is not a thing my family nor myself have ever experienced.

Our father's evilness prevented us from being free.
I am prepared to accept whatever the outcome bring my way.
This is The Price We Must Pay for Our Father's Sins."
Antonio Elliott

The Price We Must Pay for Our Father's Sins

Official Selection for Best Screenplay 2013
At The Beverly Hills film Festival:
Author:  Ellen J. Barrier
“Death is the inevitable price we must pay. Freedom is not a thing my family nor myself, have ever experienced. Our father’s evilness prevented us from being free.” Tony answered
“Where did I go wrong?” Priscilla asked.

Jim Elliott is a man who uses his power and wealth to commit evil acts against others. Priscilla and her family must pay for his evil ways.

Movie Website:
Screenplay is available in Pdf

The Price We Must Pay for Our Father's Sins

Official Selection for Best Screenplay 2013

At The Beverly Hills Film Festival:

"We Must Pay for Our Father's Sins."
"Death is the inevitable price we must pay."

From the Novel: The Price We Must Pay for Our Father's Sins
Rating: 5 stars
Views: Above 11,000 since May of 2012

Author:  Ellen J. Barrier

IMDb  Coming to Theaters
Movie link:!gallery/c199t
Film Type: Feature, Theatrical, TV or Lifetime