The Price We Must Pay For Our Father's Sins

Selected for Best Screenplay 2013
At The Beverly Hills Film Festival  
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 Death is The Inevitable Price We Must Pay,” said Antonio Elliott

As Tony thought of his father’s evilness, he began to cry uncontrollably. When he had no more tears left to shed for the past, but only an ache in the pit of his stomach, he knew he must leave the big elm tree behind, and face the things that lay ahead.

Standing under the big elm tree overlooking the lake, Tony watched the beauty of God’s creation. The trees were filled with birds. The colors of the leaves on the many trees surrounding the lake were in beautiful colors of yellow, red and brown.  As he stood there feeling alive, because of the existence of life around him, he became more aware of God’s creation of the essence of life, and appreciative of the life that was within him, regardless of how much time he had left.

The Price We Must Pay For Our Father's Sins
ISBN: 978-0-9794043-7-5       Author: Ellen J. Barrier

Barrier's Books & Associates online Store

How to Trust God When all Other Resources Have Failed

From: How to Trust God When all Other Resources Have Failed
The Road to Success and Prosperity (chapter 6)
I had to trust God to help me to start over, based on his promises
I read in the bible.  After having lost all of my finances, home, vehicles
and other things I had accomplished, due to evil acts of revenge from
an individual along with some others; I was confronted with some very
tough challenges.

How to Deal with Stress (Chapter 14)
During my encounters with those who caused great losses for me;
both my parents passed away within a short period of time. This was
added stress.
Due to stress, I wasn’t able to sleep at night.
I suffered from severe sleeping disorders.
I was afraid to fall asleep for fear I wouldn’t wakeup.

The Existence of Demonic Spirits Today (Chapter 12)
My days were filled with prayers, and I gained spiritual strength.
I learned to trust God. My nights were filled with terror during my sleep.
Demons are real:
I was vulnerable to demonic attacks in my sleep.
During my sleep, a heavy individual would sit on my chest, and cause me to
experience severe breathing difficulties.
There appeared a dark hole with lots of debris blowing out of it, in front of me.
This voice would say to me, “Die!”  “Die!”  “Die!” and this individual would
try to pull me into that hole. I couldn’t move. And I would try to make a
sound to call for help. The only sound I could make was a faint moan.

God’s Purpose for My Life
I cried to God with desperation for his help.
I said, Lord, I am not going to ask you why all of these thing are
happening to me, I just want you to tell me that everything is going
to be alright. I was tired from the struggles, and not being able to sleep.
And he answered me supernaturally. He comforted me and gave me peace.
He let me know how much he loves me. And that he did not get any
pleasure from my suffering.

God restores things he allows to be taken with added blessings.
He allows attacks upon us for a purpose to strengthen us.
It is only with God’s permission that demons are allowed to harm us.
They are forbidden to take our lives.

__ Ellen J. Barrier

ISBN: 978-0-9794043-0-6      Author: Ellen J. Barrier

Barrier's Books & Associates Store

The Sacrifice for Love

“How can this be wrong, when it feels so right?”
was Priscilla’s thought, as she sacrificed
her body to the man she loved.

From: The Price We Must Pay For Our Father’s Sins
Author: Ellen J. Barrier

For love some people will sacrifice their body and soul.
There is a price to pay when a person sacrifice their
whole being to someone else, for love.

When the whole being is sacrificed for love to the person
who don’t return that love, but abuses the body and soul that
was sacrificed for him or her;

it leaves the one who  made themselves a sacrificial offering for
that person’s love; broken in body, mind, and spirit.

If we knowingly commit a wrongful act, and justify our behavior by convincing ourselves that we are right; we have made a wrong decision. Yet, our emotions gives us the feeling of being right.

__ Ellen J. Barrier

Precious memories

Spending time with family and friends should never be taken for granted.
These are the things we hold in our memory, when nothing else matters.

__ Ellen J. Barrier

Barrier's Book & Associates